
G12 Innovation CEO

Gilmar Lima

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering (PUC – POA) and post-graduated in business management FGV-SP, experience of more than 35 years in Leadership, People Management, Strategy and Engineering Plastics.

He worked in different companies such as TAURUS (RS), HIDROPLAS (SP), MARCOPOLO (RS) and MVC (PR).

In these organizations he assumed several leadership roles from Supervisor to CEO and worked in different segments, from automotive to aerospace.

During this period he gave more than 600 technical and management lectures in Brazil and abroad.

He was President of ALMACO (Latin American Association of Composite Materials) for 11 years, Innovation Mentor at Instituto Compartilhar from Coach Bernardinho.

Founder of G12 INNOVATION that works in the development of innovative and differentiated products in engineering plastics, mergers and acquisitions, market development and commercialization of differentiated products and technical and value management consultancy.

Gilmar Lima is the Latin American executive with the highest number of “Innovation” Awards at the largest composites fair in the world – JEC/Paris.

In January 2016, he participated as Undercover Boss in the TV Show’s Fantástico of Globo Network.

Author of the book “Discovering Heroes/Descobrindo Heróis” that reports the backstage of the program and also addresses management and leadership issues.

He created the Project Discovering Heroes that aims to present concepts of humanized management, examples of overcoming and good attitudes.