
Inspiration Series

#01 5 Tips for Entrepreneurs

“To lead is to care, to challenge, to set an example and to develop people so that they are better than you”. Following this thought, Gilmar gives five valuable tips for those who want to open their own business.

#02 Magical Organizations

Gilmar Lima in this second episode of Inspirations, brings the concept of “Magic Organizations”, and invites us to reflect on the transformations of companies and professional relationships, which need to be more open and humane.

#03 JEC World 2017 - Paris

In this third episode of “Inspirations”, Gilmar Lima brings his impressions about JEC World 2017, held in Paris, the largest and most important fair about composite materials.

#04 Success Story - Use of Thermoplastics

In this fourth episode of INSPIRATIONS, Gilmar Lima presents a case filled with success, innovation and boldness, with the use of thermoplastics for the automotive industry.

#05 Case de Sucesso "Pay Phones"

In this fifth episode of INSPIRATIONS, Gilmar Lima tells us how a successful case with pay phones (remember them?), can teach us concepts about innovation, planning and coordinated execution.

#06 Composite Materials

In the sixth episode of Inspirations, Gilmar Lima from G12 Innovation, analyzes the Composites market, mainly about the ignorance that exists in relation to these materials and the change that is necessary to recover credibility and growth.